Deniz Altug Art

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How does visual art tell a story?

Well, this post is more about how I think my art tells a story or how I want it to tell a story…

As you may have seen on my about page, I wrote about how I connect meaning to my paintings.

People often ask,  did you have something in mind when you started painting, or what did you try to tell in this painting. While all my paintings are about uplifting and empowering concepts I value, the reality is that most of the time, I am not having a pre determined thought of what an upcoming painting will “exactly” mean. The meaning emerges as part of the process, often after the painting is complete.  I observe the painting to see what it is telling me…(sometimes this can be few minutes, sometimes I put it in a place where I see it and let it sit there for a couple of days as I think).

This allows me to feel very free and liberated as I paint because I remain more intuitive. I tried a couple of times to paint within a pre determined “name” or “theme” but I noticed that once I have a fixed meaning, I am starting to immediately think more structured in terms of shapes and specific strokes and I found it limited me and I was not very pleased with my creativity. Once in a while I do it, but most of the time, I let the painting just be what it wants to be, just like life does unfolds unexpectedly (even though we think we lead it).  Instead of “meaning” I start with an intent of “feeling” and “color” whether it be calm or intense, colorful or a very limited palette. When it comes to colors, I’m often inspired by the colors of flowers, the seaside, interior design, or even some striking color combinations in objects or magazines (pretty much any visual source).  I also love to see an interior space and imagine what color palette and intensity would add a good vibe.


When the artwork is finished, I love seeing a story or an inspiring concept in it.  It feels to me like completing a trip and logging observations about the journey. I really like this part of the process as it fulfills some of my passion in personal growth.

I’ve always been interested in observing life, people’s behavior (mine to begin with), and the concept of what motivates us. I take inspiration from many sources like people I met, things I read, my experiences, etc. and try to see what story the completed artwork connects me to.

I love to see an uplifting story in each piece. And I want to share that inspiring feeling with others.

When I have a narrative of a piece, that’s my story of it. I love the viewer to take that inspiration and continue to build on that (and it is OK if the viewer sees something else in it too). What I wish is that inspiration reaches the audience at a grander level. It’s not necessarily only about what each individual piece means, but what my art means at a collective level and what I stand for.  In the end, I create a story through my art, and I wish that observers get inspired and connect it to their own world, in the way that inspires “them” most and when they want that inspiration and joy to be part of their everyday space, that is true bliss for me!

What do you think about the meaning of visual art (especially when it’s “abstract” art )?  Share your thoughts below!